Washing Clothes when Camping

WASHING CLOTHES WHEN CAMPING – Do’s And Don’ts Of Cleaning Clothes

By ANNIE RITCHIE / November 27, 2022

When you’re out in the great outdoors, the last thing you want to worry about is your laundry. But, if you don’t want to end up wearing dirty clothes, you’re going to have to find a way to wash them. Here are a few tips on how to keep your clothes clean while camping and hiking.

Do Some Laundry Before You Go

This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. If you do your laundry before you go camping or hiking, you’ll have less clothes to worry about keeping clean while you’re out in the wilderness. Plus, it’s always nice to start your trip with a clean slate (and a clean set of clothes).

Pack Light

Packing light is not only good for your back – it’s also good for your laundry situation. The fewer clothes you have to keep clean, the better. So, when packing for your trip, be sure to only bring the essentials.

Choose Well

Wear Merino Wool where possible. This is actually my top tip as Merino wool has natural anti-bacterial properties and also wicks sweat away from the body. This goes a long way to reducing body odor and smelly clothes. And consequently less washing needing doing.

Hand Wash When You Can

If you don’t have access to a washing machine, hand-washing is always a great option for campers and hikers. If you’re able to wash your clothes by hand, do it. It’s gentle on your clothes and will help them last longer. Plus, it doesn’t require any special equipment – just soap, water, and a little elbow grease.

Use a Portable Washing ‘Machine’

If hand washing isn’t sufficient, there are portable washing bags that you can use. As illustration, I’ve included an instructional video from Scrubba below.  These are small innovative pieces of equipment and easy to use (just be sure to read the instructions carefully). They can be a lifesaver when you need to wash your clothes while camping or hiking.


Do try to wash your clothes during the day. Washing your clothes at night may seem like an easy way to save time, but it can actually make things more difficult because it gives bugs and other critters a chance to get into your food or gear. Washing during the day will also give your clothes plenty of time to dry before nightfall.

Let Nature Do the Work

If all else fails, let nature do the work for you. Hang your clothes up outside and let the sun and wind work their magic. This won’t get your clothes perfectly clean, but it will help get rid of some of the odor.

Camping is a great way to get away from it all and connect with nature—but that doesn’t mean you have to tough it out when it comes to doing laundry. By following these tips, you can keep your clothes clean without any hassle (or extra weight in your backpack). So go ahead and enjoy that fresh air—your laundry will be just fine.